Saturday, 25 January 2014

King of Shaves Hyperglide - The Razor

The best shave you'll have for a LONG time...

Hey hey!

So it's been a while since I made a blog post/review - had a fair amount going on in my life both at work and family, but we won't go into that here!

This post is all about the new, innovative, amazing, and incredible new piece of shaving hardware from the King of Shaves - the Hyperglide System Razor!

This initial review is purely on the razor handle itself, I have shaved with it once already and will continue to do so for another week or so, and then I will post another review on my findings on the shave itself. I'll keep you all posted...

So what's different I here you ask? It looks like it's the same as every other cartridge system on the market, right? WRONG!!

This razor is unique, in that it doesn't have a lubrastrip found on all other system razors, and has been included since 1976 (a whopping 38 years ago!!).
Now King of Shaves is here to change all that, and I agree that, after nearly 40 years, a change is well overdue.

The razor is coated with a unique (and patented) material that is "Superhydrophillic". It's the same sort of concept that is used in fog free mirrors and enables oil to not soak into materials and be "repelled". I tweeted Will King and asked him for info on the ingredients and concept and received a nigh-on instant reply of "TOP SECRET!!". King of Shaves are keeping this one close to their chests.

This means that the razor can be used to shave with just water - no oil, gel, cream, foams, soaps etc, just plain, pure, simple water.
I mentioned above that I have shaved once with this razor already, and this shave was with nothing but water, and I have to say - SHA-MAZING!! But more on the shaves to come in a later blog post ;)

So now onto the razor itself.

The razor head is a 5 blade cartridge system, but now also features a single trimming blade on the back of the cartridge (a new feature for King of Shaves razors, not so new for "those who shan't be named in this review") - I think the trimming blade is a great idea as it makes trimming sideburns easier and more accurate, and it's great for getting into those awkward spots where the cartridge won't fit, such as right up under your nose.

As stated above, the front side of the cartridge houses 5, narrow, super sharp blades, and surrounding the blades is the "Superhydrophillic" magic that makes this razor unique. The blades are spaced nicely and evenly apart and don't clog, which I might add, is a bit of an issue that I found with previous incarnations from King of Shaves (the Azor 4 and Azor 5). This would lead to a sometimes rough and patchy shave, but I have to say that I have not experienced any of this with this new razor.

The razor also comes packaged with a holder for the razor handle, protecting the head from any damage or moisture (which will prolong the life of the cartridge and blades) and, something I have not seen before with a razor and I think an ingenious idea, a mirror/tile sucker for storing the razor - amazing!!

The King of Shaves Hyperglide razor certainly is a marvel to look at, uniquely designed, the colours look great, and it looks fantastic sat on a bathroom shelf/unit, and even stuck to a tile or mirror.

The razor is priced at £9.99, and is available to purchase now from the Official King of Shaves website, as well as, and will be available in nearly all Boots, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Morrison's and Asda by February.
Extra cartridges are also available at £9.99 for a pack of 3, with the same availability given above for the razor handle.

Check out the official advert for the Hyperglide below:

And Will King's launch for the razor that took place on January 16th 2014:

1 comment:

  1. I've found that the hyerglide blade cartridge produces some razor drag, which at times can be annoying. Maybe I should try shaving with it under water.
